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Add a Catchy title to your day!

As the days unfold and life swirls around me I realize that I have a lot to be grateful for. I've got my health (with just a few aches and pains and niggling issues and jiggly bits) I have my family - a husband who is awesome and girls who are amazing and extended family who love me. Friends? yup. Got those too. So, what's missing? Oh I KNOW!.. its the marketing side of my life. Some where along the way my personal marketing department took a break.

I stopped receiving notifications about how awesome life is - as it is, right now and started future thinking... like I was waiting for things to get better.

You see, we recently moved to Vancouver Island, from the placed I'd grown up in. Where we raised our girls, cultivated oh so many friends and still have family.

We love the Island. That's not the issue, its just that on some days I simply miss what I had - because that was pretty awesome too.

Here, we are steps from the beach or from the trails of a huge park. There are mountains to ski and trails to ride and oceans to paddle - and welcoming people to hang with and truly, I am grateful for all this. So, how to get that attitude into the forefront of all I think and do? Marketing! yes... you heard me! You know, like those catchy phrases, "Oh I love turtles" etc... that get you to believe that, well, you love turtles. Or "It's the real thing"... remember that one? Well they work! Like modern day mantras, catchy phrases are impactful, especially when YOU make them up for YOU!

What then, should be my marketing phrase for today? And I do say today because tomorrow could be completely different. The key I think is to DECIDE what I want my day to BE... then allow it to unfold. The process could look a bit like this... In the morning (while still snuggled in my bed) I create the phrase... send it up the flag pole to Sr Staff..(over coffee) get it approved.. send it to the GD team... receive the copy... maybe tweak the colour... then off to print it goes! From there, receive my internal memo;


BE the Canvas!

Open your heart. Be the Canvas

Thus, with my new daily mantra in place, I shall go out and live my life with that feeling, belief or thought, leading me through my day and simply not worry about what tomorrow will bring.

"Whatever you are experiencing, where-ever you happen to be on this day - allow all the "colours of life" to flow over you. Some will be vibrant and draw you in. Others will make you feel small and quiet, maybe even sad. The paint may be thick, or run all leggy to the bottom of the canvas. The point is to experience it all as if you are a bystander, without attachment. Just Be in the moment."
Experience it. Let it go. Experience tomorrow... when it arrives.

If this message inspires you, join my online yoga sessions for more interesting perspectives and great classes that focus on building strength, creating flexibllity and
opening hips, hearts and minds,
one class at a time.

Inspiration for today's message - A Marie Forleo podcast...which I interpreted as follows:

Feel all the feels; Like the canvas, receive all the colours and experience
a beautiful, full and rich life.

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